Diane Delia

Diane Delia was born John Delia in 1957, the son of a builder and housewife. He specialized in music at the High School of Art & Design in Manhattan and later became known as a drag artist specializing in Diana Ross impersonations. He would sometimes performs without underwear so the audience could see his penis under his skirt. He was openly gay and had several affairs including Robert Ferrara. In 1978, at the age of 21, he decided to transition to female, began seeing a psychiatrist, had a facial surgery and took estrogen.

Shortly after he began his transition he met Robyn Arnold, the daughter of a rich surgeon. They became lovers and John stopped his transition and began getting better gigs at major discos. This, however, was a phase and it wasn't long before John again wanted to transition - and Robyn supported him but they separated. In November he flew to Colorado to see Dr. Biber for the final transition. John renamed herself as Diane Delia, after her idol Diana Ross. She rekindled her relationship with Robert Ferrera. With an affidavit from Dr. Biber and a reissued birth-certificate, the couple married in Berwick, Pennsylvnia - Robert's hometown. The marriage was not happy. Although Robert had relationships with women in the past, he was primarily attracted to men making sex difficult. They argued and she moved out - and moved back in with Robyn.

After a couple of days she agreed to meet with Robert to talk things over. She was never seen alive again. Her body washed up in the Hudson River, she had been shot. Robert and Robyn, who were living together after Diane's disappearance, were charged with the murder. Robyn was acquitted and Robert was convicted.

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