Newspaper Articles
Los Angeles Herald (Los Angeles, California) - November 14, 1894
A Motley Group
Quite a motley group of prisoners passed in through the portals of the county jail yesterday. There was Valentine Rolay whom Detective Bates arrested for stealing a bicycle; G. G. Cashin, who is accused of a beastly crime against nature; John Mack and Robert Pearson, two vagrants from Pasadena; J. B. Gage, accused of a felony and later released on bail; Thomas Averill, for assault with a deadly weapon, and Earl and Lewis Gibbs and George Grimminger, three lads who are booked for the Whittier school.
Los Angeles Herald (Los Angeles, California) - December 6, 1894
A Choice Assortment
A batch of 22 defendants were arraigned in department one yesterday morning on various charges, and were allowed by Judge Smith time in which to plead. Among them were Robert Brockwell, charged with forgery; Sam E. Atwell, charged with an assault with intent to commit rape; J. M. Jacvnes and J. Friend, burglary; G. G. Cashin, crime against nature; all of whom will plead tomorrow; O. J. Lee, grand larceny; Guy Roberts, forgery, who will plead on Saturday; Sam E. Dugan assault to murder; F. J. Brown, assault with a deadly weapon; Marcus Shinn, forgery; John Keenan, burglary, and Gabrino Cahunga, petit larceny, with prior convictions, who will be called upon to plead next Monday.