George Abbott


Newspaper Articles

Sacramento Daily Union (Sacramento, California) - August 11, 1885

ARRESTS - These were on the station-house slate last night: Mike and John McCarty, by officer Franks, for battery; Ah Luy, by officer Rider, for vagrancy; George Abbott, by officers Coffey and Sullivan, for crime against nature; Tom McCarthy and Henry Wilson, by local officer Martin, for disturbing the peace; J. D. Smith, by officer Franks, for keeping a disorderly house.

Sacramento Daily Union (Sacramento, California) - August 12, 1885

POLICE COURT - At yesterday's session of the local mill where justice is ground out to offenders against good morals the charges against…. George Abbott, the youth charged with sodomy, was held to answer in the sum of $2,000

Sacramento Daily Union (Sacramento, California) - September 1, 1885

In Department One of the Superior Court yesterday, Terry McMorry, the young man who recently committed a number of burglaries, principally of saloons, was arraigned on a charge of burglary, entered a plea of guilty, and was ordered to appear for judgment to-day. George Abbott pleaded guilty of an infamous crime, and will also be sentenced at to-day's session.

Sacramento Daily Union (Sacramento, California) - September 2, 1885

Yesterday afternoon, in Department One of the Superior Court…

In the same Court yesterday sentence of two years at Folsom was passed upon Terry McMorry, the young man who perpetrated several burglaries of saloons and was finally caught by officer Ash. The boy George Abbott, convicted of felony, was sentenced to one year in the same prison. These youths are about 18 years of age.

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