Newspaper Articles
Daily Alta California (San Francisco, California) - March 7, 1886
"George-a de Greeka-a"
George Polites, better known as "George-a de Greek-a," who made a practice of buying and selling cigars stolen by factory employees, was held to answer by Judge Lawler yesterday, on a charge of receiving stolen goods, and also upon a charge of felony for committing a crime against nature. Bonds were fixed at $2,000 on each charge.
Daily Alta California (San Francisco, California) - March 23, 1886
Assignment of Criminal Trials
Presiding Judge Edmonds has made the following assignments of criminal trials : To Department One - George Parsons and Edward Collins, burglary; James Harris, assault to murder; Margaret Lanteri, assault with deadly weapon; M. J. Gallagher, arson; Martia Kelly, James A. Cronin, John McCaffrey, J. J. Maloney and Geo. F. Gosher, felony. To Department Eleven - Alex. McPherson, embezzlement; Geo. H. Torbert, grand larceny; Mary Gardner, misdemeanor; Henry Johnson and William Hayward, burglary; Christian Wagner, murder; J. J. Thornton, Joseph Hughes and Wm. Adams, burglary; Frank J. Carpenter, assault to murder. To Department Twelve - Thomas Bailey, Charles Prinne, Hugh McMullin and Godfrey Hawley, rape; George Poletes, receiving stolen goods and crime against nature; Thomas Nugent, assault with deadly weapon.
Daily Alta California (San Francisco, California) - May 2, 1886
George Polites, better known as "George, the Greek," was then sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment at Folsom for making an indecent assault upon John Liebe, a boy, on the 10th of last January.
Sacramento Daily Union (Sacramento, California) - May 3, 1886
George Polites, alias "George, the Greek," convicted of a felonious assault on a boy named John Leib, on the 10th of January last, was yesterday sentenced by Judge Murphy to twenty years in Folsom State Prison
Sacramento Daily Union (Sacramento, California) - May 4, 1886
Deputy Sheriff Wilson brought up from San Francisco last evening, en route to the State Prison at Folson, Geo. Polites, who is to serve twenty-five years for crime against nature. Sheriff Snodgrass, of Ventura county, brought up for the same destination, Jose Guerrero, under sentence of two years for burglary in the second degree.
Sacramento Daily Union (Sacramento, California) - April 27, 1892
Convicts Asking for Pardons - Action of Governor Markham.[included in list of cases denied]
George Polites, San Francisco, sodomy, twenty years, 1886