Newspaper Articles
San Francisco Call (San Francisco, California) - January 15, 1908
Witness in Case of Ready Tells How He Was Inveigled Into DealJohn Hewitt, stableman, swore to a warrant before Police Judge Shortall yesterday for the arrest of John Helms, a Calhoun private detective, on a charge of bribing a witness. Hewitt is a witness for the prosecution in the case of Herbert V. Ready, charged with a crime against nature, Helms gave him $150 last Sunday, he alleged, to give false testimony, and took him to San Jose with the object of making an affidavit before a notary public. He did not make the affidavit, but escaped from Helms and came back to this city.
The preliminary examination of Ready commenced before Police Judge Cabaniss yesterday and was continued till January 23. He was represented by Attorney A. P. Black.